MATLAB functions
Logical operators.
any - True if any element of vector is nonzero all - True if all elements of vector are nonzeroSet operators.
union - Set union. unique - Set unique. intersect - Set intersection. setdiff - Set difference. setxor - Set exclusive-or. ismember - True for set member.Sparse Matrices
find - Find indices and values of nonzero elements nnz - Number of nonzero matrix elements nonzeros - Nonzero matrix elements Random Number Generators See also “Random Number Generators” in MATLAB HELP. randperm - Random permutation randperm(n) returns a random permutation of the integers 1:n. randn - Normally distributed random numbers RANDN(N) returns an N-by-N matrix containing pseudo-random values drawn from a normal distribution with mean zero and standard deviation one. rand - Uniformly distributed pseudorandom numbers RAND(N) returns a N-by-N matrix containing pseudo-random, scalar value drawn from a uniform distribution on the unit interval mvnrnd - Multivariate normal random numbersRounding and Remainder
ceil - Round toward infinity fix - Round toward zero floor - Round toward minus infinity idivide - Integer division with rounding option mod - Modulus after division rem - Remainder after division round - Round to nearest integer Dynamic expression and function eval - Execute string containing MATLAB® expression feval - Evaluate functionArrays and Matrices – Basic Information
isempty - Determine whether array is empty isequal - Test arrays for equality isfinite - Array elements that are finite isinf - Array elements that are infinite isnan - Array elements that are NaN length - Length of vector max - Largest elements in array min - Smallest elements in array ndims - Number of array dimensions numel - Number of elements in array or subscripted arrayexpression
size - Array dimensions Arrays and Matrices – Elementary Matrices and Arrays diag - Diagonal matrices and diagonals of matrix eye - Identity matrix ones - Create array of all ones zeros - Create array of all zeros Arrays and Matrices – Array Manipulation repmat - Replicate and tile array reshape - Reshape array sort - Sort array elements in ascending or descending order sortrows - Sort rows in ascending orde Linear Algebra – Matrix Analysis cond - Condition number with respect to inversion The condition number of a matrix measures the sensitivity of the solution of a system of linear equations to errors in the data. It gives an indication of the accuracy of the results from matrix inversion and the linear equation solution. Values of cond(X) and cond(X,p) near 1 indicate a well-conditioned matrix. rcond - Matrix reciprocal condition number estimate c = rcond(A) returns an estimate for the reciprocal of the condition of A in 1-norm using the LAPACK condition estimator. If A is well conditioned, rcond(A) is near 1.0. If A is badly conditioned, rcond(A) is near 0.0. Compared to cond, rcond is a more efficient, but less reliable, method of estimating the condition of a matrix. condeig - Condition number with respect to eigenvalues Large condition numbers imply that A is near a matrix with multiple eigenvalue det - Matrix determinant norm - Vector and matrix norms rank - Rank of matrix sqrtm - Matrix square rootLinear Algebra – Linear Equations
chol - Cholesky factorization lu - LU matrix factorization svd - Singular value decomposition qr - Orthogonal-triangular decomposition qz - QZ factorization for generalized eigenvaluesLinear Algebra – Inverse
inv - Matrix inverse pinv - Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of matrixMath Constants
eps - Floating-point relative accuracy I - Imaginary unit Inf - Infinity intmax - Largest value of specified integer type intmin - Smallest value of specified integer type j - Imaginary unit NaN - Not-a-Number pi - Ratio of circle's circumference to its diameter, π realmax - Largest positive floating-point number realmin - Smallest positive normalized floating-point number Descriptive Statistics corrcoef - Correlation coefficients cov - Covariance matrix max - Largest elements in array mean - Average or mean value of array median - Median value of array min - Smallest elements in array mode - Most frequent values in array std - Standard deviationvarVariancStrings
sprintf - Write formatted data to string sscanf - Read formatted data from string strcat - Concatenate strings horizontally strcmp,strcmpi - Compare strings strmatch - Find possible matches for string strncmp, strncmpi - Compare first n characters of strings str2num - Convert string to number num2str - Convert number to stringLogical
all - Determine whether all array elements are nonzero any - Determine whether any array elements are nonzero find - Find indices and values of nonzero elementsFile Name Construction
filemarker - Character to separate file name and internal function name fileparts - Parts of file name and path filesep - Directory separator for current platform fullfile - Build full filename from parts tempdir - Name of system's temporary directory tempname - Unique name for temporary fileGraphics -Printing and Exporting
See also “Printing and Exporting” in MATLAB HELP. saveas - Save figure or Simulink block diagram using specified format print - Print figure or save to file and configure printer defaults. Graphics - getting and changing properties gca - Current axes handle h = gca returns the handle to the current axes for the current figure. See also “Axes Properties” in MATLAB HELP, which can be modified using get and set. gcf- Current figure handle h = gcf returns the handle of the current figure. See also “Figure Properties” in MATLAB HELP, which can be modified using get and set. get- Query object properties Example:get(get(gca,'Children'),'HandleVisibility');set - Set object properties Example:set(gca,'Color','b');Graphics – plotting function
fplot - Plot function between specified limits fplot(fun,limits)plotsfunbetween the limits specified bylimits.limitsis a vector specifying thex-axis limits ([xminxmax]), or thex- andy-axes limits, ([xminxmaxyminymax]). fun must be
- The name of an M-file function
- A string with variable x that may be passed to eval , such as 'sin(x)' , 'diric(x,10)' , or '[sin(x),cos(x)]'
- A function handle for an M-file function or an anonymous function
Graphics – Annotating
See also “Annotating Graphs” in MATLAB HELP. text- Text annotation TEXT(X,Y,'string') adds the text in the quotes to location (X,Y)on the current axes. legend- Display legendDevelopment Environment
clc- Clear Command Window diary- Save session to file clear- Remove items from workspace, freeing up system memory exist- Check existence of variable, function, directory, or Java™ programming language class isfield- Determine whether input is structure array field who, whos- List variables in workspace profile- Profile execution time for function disp- Display text or array datestr- Convert date and time to string format. see also "Date and Time Functions". mfilename- Name of currently running M-file run- Run script that is not on current pathrun('../PROGLIB/stprtool/stprpath')
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